Saturday, February 1, 2014

God works miracles II KC Photography, Augusta Georgia Photographer

Why do horrible things happen to great people? The question everyone wishes they had an answer to. As hard as it is to believe at the time, God has a plan for every one of us.

Lauren & Joe tried for years to get pregnant. After tons of tears & money spent, their wish was finally granted. I was so honored to get to capture their "I do" and now Lauren's first baby bump. Due to complications, Lauren gave birth to baby Colton at just 7 months gestation. After a long hard fight, Colton went to be with the Lord at only one month old. He never left the NICU. After all it took to get pregnant Lauren & Joe lost their first child. But there is light at the end of the tunnel...

I found out Lauren was pregnant again on November 6th, 2013. I immediately cried from the joy I felt for her after watching her go through so much pain. Ladies & Gents.. the new baby bump...

Let me add -- ITS A GIRL -- little Miss Coblie :)

My sister [in law] gave birth to a still born about 6 years ago. She was devastated. It was a very tramatic experience that, at the time, I never thought her nor my brother would ever get over. I recently asked her if she was often sad over the loss of her first child. She told me that she thinks of her often and of course it is a sad memory but then she looks at her daughter Joplin [born one year later] and couldn't imagine life without her in it. Had Savannah lived on Earth with us, Joplin wouldn't be here today. I can't even fathom life with out my Joplin. It clicked for me in that moment. Why do bad things happen to good people? Because God has a plan. As hard as it may be to believe that in times of sadness, he has one. Colton was sent to be with the Lord because God had a plan for Colbie. Just as Savannah was sent to be with the Lord because God had a plan for Joplin. And hey, how lucky are they to have an older sibling as a guardian angel?

I can not wait to follow Colbie's journey from newborn to first year sessions. I only pray that once she is here safe and sound that Lauren & Joe will find peace the way that my sister did. Colbie truly is a miracle from God and I can NOT wait to meet her!

KC Photography
Augusta, Georgia


  1. What a beautiful explanation! Many prayers have been lifted for Lauren, Joe, Colton and Colbie as well as all the family involved. I am honored to be able to watch this miracle as one of their friends and cannot wait to see the joy that awaits as we watch God's plan unfold. Thank you for sharing!
